Despite the rapid advances in Internet consumption there are several sectors of the population which rely heavily on print based media for their news and information.
59% of adults rank newspapers first as the media used help plan shopping or make purchasing decisions in the past 7 days.
Senior executives are more likely to prefer reading a range of publications in their printed formats rather than digitally, per survey results from Doremus and the Financial Times released in March 2012. 51% say they read newspapers mostly in print, compared to 14% who read them mostly online and 7% who do so mostly on a mobile or tablet.
A majority also prefer reading industry trade journals (56%), general business magazines (56%), and leisure publications (60%) in their printed form.
Media Funding Partners offers hundreds of national magazines , over 1000 local newspapers as well as industry trade journals and local magazines at extremely discounted pricing structures.
59% of adults rank newspapers first as the media used help plan shopping or make purchasing decisions in the past 7 days.
Senior executives are more likely to prefer reading a range of publications in their printed formats rather than digitally, per survey results from Doremus and the Financial Times released in March 2012. 51% say they read newspapers mostly in print, compared to 14% who read them mostly online and 7% who do so mostly on a mobile or tablet.
A majority also prefer reading industry trade journals (56%), general business magazines (56%), and leisure publications (60%) in their printed form.
Media Funding Partners offers hundreds of national magazines , over 1000 local newspapers as well as industry trade journals and local magazines at extremely discounted pricing structures.
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